25 Ekim 2009 Pazar

SAT word of the day

Demiştim, şu SAT başımı ağrıtan en büyük sebeplerden. Çalışmaya başlamak için gaz olsun diyoruz ve ilk kelimemizi post ediyoruz:



To make something which is already bad worse.

This attack will exacerbate the relations between two communities.

A heavy rainfall exacerbated the flood.

This biology lab report is exacerbating my headache.

There's hundreds of Zombies outside and they're going to exacerbate things.

Masumiyet Müzesi exacerbated my perception of Orhan Pamuk.

Ron's departure exacerbated Harry's trust in himself.

This entry exacerbated my blog.

Exacerbation rules my world.

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